Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Fireflies is a group for kids ages 4-12. Our goal is to help our children experience Father, Son and Holy Spirit in a real way for themselves through worship, prayer, games, crafts, leadership, snack, bible reading, and much more!
We meet the last Sunday morning of the month at 10:00 am.
Some churches provide children’s church during the Sunday service, but the original members of WellSpring felt that it was best for their children to stay in and be part of our meetings.
We do provide a nursery for little ones, ages three and under, so parents of these can get something out of the meeting. There are advantages and disadvantages to having children stay in the meetings, but we have found there are more advantages than disadvantages. Parents often tell us how their children talk about the sermon or have entered into the body ministry of the church by praying for people or responding to a move of the Spirit at the end of the message.
We provide special meetings for both the children and young people, so they have an opportunity to interact with others of their own age.
We do provide a nursery for little ones, ages three and under, so parents of these can get something out of the meeting. There are advantages and disadvantages to having children stay in the meetings, but we have found there are more advantages than disadvantages. Parents often tell us how their children talk about the sermon or have entered into the body ministry of the church by praying for people or responding to a move of the Spirit at the end of the message.
We provide special meetings for both the children and young people, so they have an opportunity to interact with others of their own age.